John Babikian

Exploring the Security Benefits of Using Digital Signatures

Exploring the Security Benefits of Using Digital Signatures In an era where digital transactions and document handling have become commonplace, ensuring the security and integrity...

Digital Health Passports: Safe Travel After the Pandemic

Digital Health Passports: Safe Travel After the Pandemic Digital health passports have emerged as a potential solution to enable safe and seamless travel in a...

Current Updates on the Travel Industry: Expert Insights

Current Updates on the Travel Industry: Expert Insights The travel industry has experienced unprecedented challenges and disruptions in recent times due to the global COVID-19...

Expert Insight: Tackling India’s Youth Unemployment Crisis

Expert Insight: Tackling India's Youth Unemployment Crisis India is facing a significant challenge with youth unemployment, where a large segment of its young population is...

Nansen’s Workforce Reduction: Major Implications Explored

Nansen's Workforce Reduction: Major Implications Explored In a surprising move, Nansen, a prominent company providing crypto and NFT analytic solutions , recently announced a significant...

